Manifestation: fact or fiction?

We've all heard the stories—how someone manifests wealth, love, or success simply by thinking positively. But let's be real: can manifestation really change our lives? Especially when people still struggle with illness or poverty? At first, it may seem like a fantasy. When The Secret first came out in 2006, many dismissed it. It’s not easy to grasp that you could shape your own reality just by believing in it.

But the deeper truth about manifestation is that it’s not about escaping to a fantasy world where you’re rich and happy. It’s about recognizing your responsibility in shaping your life. If the power to manifest is real, it means your present situation is the result of your own thoughts and energy—and that’s a lot to face. But that’s also the liberating part.

This isn’t just about a new car or a million-dollar lottery win. True manifestation comes from Conscious Manifestation—a state where you align with your higher purpose and the universe's flow, rather than chasing material desires or comparing yourself to others. In our world of social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives with others, making us feel unworthy and disconnected.

But when we shift our mindset from scarcity (what can I get?) to abundance (what is the universe guiding me toward?), we open ourselves up to real transformation.

The Law of Attraction: A Scientific and Spiritual Approach

Think of the universe as a magnetic field. Everything—your thoughts, actions, and people—are magnets, constantly emitting energy. The Law of Attraction operates on the principle that like attracts like. Positive thoughts have higher vibrations, and they make you feel “good.” Negative thoughts vibrate at lower frequencies, making you feel stuck, unhappy, or disconnected.

Here’s the catch: the universe doesn’t understand negatives. It doesn’t hear “I don’t want this.” It only hears what you focus on. So if you focus on what you don’t want (like failing a test), you’re essentially manifesting more of that outcome. The key is to focus on what you do want (like passing that test).

By consciously choosing to focus on positive thoughts and desires, you can create a domino effect in your life. One positive thought can lead to better opportunities, better relationships, and even improved health.

Embody the Change You Wish to See

Thinking positively isn’t enough. You must also embody those positive thoughts. Imagine you want loyal friends, but you constantly complain about people. You’re likely going to attract more negativity into your life. Manifestation is not a passive act; it requires active participation and alignment with your highest self.

It’s easy to think that the universe has an endless supply of abundance, but if your energy is not aligned with it, you’ll find it difficult to access. The universe is abundant, but it requires an open, high-vibrational field to receive.

So how do you raise your vibration?

Step 1: Recognize Your Egoic Patterns

Whenever you’re stuck in negativity—anger, resentment, jealousy, fear—that’s your ego at work. The ego is the part of you that feels it’s not enough, that needs to protect itself, that compares itself to others. It creates a false sense of superiority or inferiority. But when you detach from the ego and realize that you are whole, complete, and not in competition with anyone else, your energy shifts.

Step 2: Shift to Awareness

True humility comes when you recognize that your negative thoughts are not the real you. When you become aware of your thoughts, you begin to transcend ego. Awareness creates compassion, gratitude, and an openness to the abundance the universe offers.

Manifestation isn't about simply wishing for something. It’s about shifting your consciousness and embracing a mindset of possibility. It’s about aligning with the flow of the universe, staying present, and being grateful for what you already have.

The Role of Meditation and Awareness

Meditation is key in this process. It helps you observe your thoughts without judgment, so you can release negativity and cultivate awareness. As Immanuel Kant suggested, we can only see reality through the lens of our mind's categories. To manifest accurately, we must be aware of our thought patterns, and consciously choose to manifest good.

You Are the Universe

You are an integral part of the universe, and by aligning with its abundance, you invite transformation into your life. Manifestation is a mindset, not a magic trick. It’s about shifting your energy from scarcity to abundance, from ego to awareness, and from passive wishing to active creation.

Sending love and light,



The past is dead (and haunting)


Eat, pray, trauma bonds